
Awful-Ike's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 74 (From 11 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 680 Points

Castle Crashing the Beard HD

Medals Earned: 1/9 (50/355 points)

Whiskered Away 50 Points

Get the max attack combo chain

Amaranth 10 Points

Level up to the max level

Close Shave 10 Points

Beat the game

Sorbet 10 Points

Defeat Tom's Backup Plan

Hairless 25 Points

Beat the game without a helper

Razor's Edge 50 Points

Beat the game without dying

Shear Dedication 50 Points

Get 12 red coins in one game

The Fast and the Furriest 50 Points

Beat the game in under 5 minutes

Hairbrained 100 Points

Beat the game without getting hit

Christmas ADVENTure 2019

Medals Earned: 1/30 (25/445 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 10 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 10 Points

Open the eleventh present!

December 12th 10 Points

Open the twelfth present!

December 13th 10 Points

Open the thirteenth present!

December 14th 10 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 10 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 10 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 17th 10 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 18th 10 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 19th 10 Points

Open the nineteenth present!

December 20th 25 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 21st 25 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 22nd 25 Points

Open the twenty-second present!

December 23rd 25 Points

Open the twenty-third present!

December 24th 25 Points

Open the twenty-fourth present!

December 25th 25 Points

Open the twenty-fifth present!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 26/34 (185/405 points)

First Steppes 5 Points

Complete the first level

Bunny 5 Points

Complete the second level

Trap Card 5 Points

Complete the third level

sssss 5 Points

Complete the fourth level

Go 5 Points

Complete the fifth level

Come Back 5 Points

Complete the sixth level

zzzzz 5 Points

Complete the seventh level

Tail Chasing 5 Points

Complete the eighth level

Gaming 5 Points

Complete the ninth level

Pew Pew 5 Points

Complete the tenth level

bzzzt 10 Points

Complete the eleventh level

Dodging 10 Points

Complete the twelfth level

Bobbing 10 Points

Complete the thirteenth level

Production 10 Points

Complete the fourteenth level

Flip Side 10 Points

Complete the fifteenth level

Weaving 10 Points

Complete the sixteenth level

Rabbit 10 Points

Complete the seventeenth level

Canyon 10 Points

Complete the eighteenth level

Acid Blood 5 Points

Die to blood

Harmful Discs 5 Points

Die to a saw

Big Guns 5 Points

Die to a cannon

Hot Stuff 10 Points

Beat a previously set time

5x2 5 Points

Die 10 times

5x5 5 Points

Die 25 times

5x10 10 Points

Die 50 times

5x20 10 Points

Die 100 times

AAAAH 10 Points

Complete the nineteenth level

Chambers 10 Points

Complete the twentieth level

Obsidian 25 Points

Complete the twenty first level

Turtleman 25 Points

Complete the twenty second level

Yes 25 Points

Complete the twenty third level

Finally 50 Points

Complete the final level

Clean Sweep 25 Points

Complete all levels

Full House 50 Points

Unlock all medals

Highschool Bathroom Simulator

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

High BS Tolerance 10 Points

Find an empty stall

Merry Christmas Tom Fulp

Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/55 points)

Gift Giver 5 Points

you gave tom your gift!

Gift Giver Pro 50 Points

Give tom 10,000 gifts

Pengu Saves Christmas original

Medals Earned: 6/28 (50/500 points)

Winter Bash 5 Points

Play Pengu Saves Christmas!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mmm, Tasty! 5 Points

Eat 80+ treats in a single level.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Lil Helper 100 Points

Beat all 12 levels and save Christmas!

Superstar 5 Points

Find and bring 1 star to the exit.

Shooting Star 5 Points

Find and bring 3 stars to the exit.

Outer Space 25 Points

Find and bring 6 stars to the exit.

Solar System 50 Points

Find and bring 9 stars to the exit.

Universal Penguin 50 Points

Find and bring every star to the exit.

( o ) v ( o ) 10 Points

( o ) v ( o )

Scuffed Up 5 Points

Finish a level with 0 treats.

Flaming Flippers 10 Points

Beat a level in less than 10 seconds.

Mach 10 Penguin 5 Points

Achieve a stupid amount of horizontal speed.

Stomach Ache 5 Points

Beat a level without sliding once.

A Real Bird 5 Points

Don't touch the ground for three seconds.

Oof! Ouch! Owie! 5 Points

Die 10 times on a single level.

? 50 Points



Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

CHEESY 5 Points

Get a single piece of Cheese

Mystery Cheese 10 Points

Find a secret cheese!


Collect over 32 pieces of cheese and complete the game

Full Stomach 50 Points

Find every single piece of cheese (56 total)

Snack Slice

Medals Earned: 20/20 (100/100 points)

Level 1 5 Points

Complete level 1

Level 2 5 Points

Complete level 2

Level 3 5 Points

Complete level 3

Level 4 5 Points

Complete level 4

Level 5 5 Points

Complete level 5

Level 6 5 Points

Complete level 6

Level 7 5 Points

Complete level 7

Level 8 5 Points

Complete level 8

Level 9 5 Points

Complete level 9

Level 10 5 Points

Complete level 10

Level 11 5 Points

Complete level 10

Level 12 5 Points

Complete level 12

Level 13 5 Points

Complete level 13

Level 14 5 Points

Complete level 14

Level 15 5 Points

Complete level 15

Level 16 5 Points

Complete level 16

Level 17 5 Points

Complete level 17

Level 18 5 Points

Complete level 18

Level 19 5 Points

Complete level 19

Level 20 5 Points

Complete level 20

Splat Chicken

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/190 points)

Winner 25 Points

Provide eggs where needed

Juggalo 10 Points

Have 4 eggs in the air at the same time

Trophy Hen 5 Points

lay 300 eggs during a playthrough

Conservative 100 Points

Lay less than 200 eggs during a playthrough

Arriba Arriba 50 Points

Beat the game in under 5 minutes

Tankmas ADVENTure 2021

Medals Earned: 14/37 (120/420 points)

Welcome to the Village! 5 Points

Enter the village for the first time.

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 10 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 10 Points

Open the eleventh gift!

December 12th 10 Points

Open the twelfth gift!

December 13th 10 Points

Open the thirteenth gift! (Before Brandy Does)

December 14th 10 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 10 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 10 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 17th 10 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 19th 10 Points

Open the nineteenth gift!

December 22nd 10 Points

Open the twenty-second gift!

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 18th 10 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 20th 10 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 21st 10 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 23rd 10 Points

Open the twenty-third gift!

December 24th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fourth gift!

December 25th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fifth gift!

December 26th 10 Points

Open the twenty-sixth gift!

December 27th 10 Points

Open the twenty-seventh gift!

December 28th 10 Points

Open the twenty-eighth gift!

December 29th 10 Points

Open the twenty-ninth gift!

December 30th 10 Points

Open the thirtieth gift!

December 31st 10 Points

Open the thirty-first gift!

January 1st 10 Points

Happy New Year!!! Thank you for playing Tankmas 2021! See you next year!

Yeti Degree 5 Points

Score 15 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade

Yeti Masters Degree 10 Points

Score 30 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade game

Yeti Doctorate 25 Points

Score 40 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade

Warm Winter Feelings 100 Points

Receive a Kiss from Tom Fulp, or anyone with this medal